Grange Business Partners




7 Awesome Tips to Minimise your Tax Bill

category: Other
Tax, minimise, tips

With the end of another financial year just around the corner, you should be planning how to minimise your tax bill. Here are a few tips from us on how to this might be achieved- 1. Minimise Capital Gains Tax (CGT): What is capital gains tax? A capital gain or capital loss is the difference between

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Family Trust VS SMSF – Which will you choose?

category: SMSF

Everyone wants to be organised when planning their financial affairs for retirement. There are many types of structures that people can use including family trusts, self-managed superfunds (SMSFs) and commercial super funds. Family trusts can be overlooked in favour of SMSFs as a way of managing wealth due to the perception that they are overly

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Have you developed your investment plan for the future?

category: Other

Everyone needs a plan when it comes to investing your money, you know that they say “Plan your life, live your plan”. Developing a plan for investing your money involves developing strategies and choosing the right investments. When developing your investment plan start by gaining an accurate picture of our current financial situation. Work out

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