Grange Business Partners




SMSF or not?

category: Accounting, Business, SMSF

Recently two columnists wrote about their experience with managing their own SuperFund. Meg Heffron started her Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) somewhat unconventionally, with a balance of just $30,000. Liam Shortz, on the other hand, started his with a balance of $200,000. Both experiences have been successful for the parties involved, however, their approaches highlight

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The Digital Disruption

category: Accounting, Business

They’re calling the technology explosion that has occurred in the last few years a ‘disruption’ to businesses. But is it really a disruption, or is it simply change? Digital disruption refers to the rapidly changing climate for businesses brought about by social media and information technology resources. It is change “enabled by digital technologies that

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Employee or Contractor? That is the question.

category: Accounting, Business

When engaging a new employee, there are obviously quite a number of different things to take into account before entering into any contract or agreement. One of those important things that you need to decide is “are they employees or contractors?”. It is sensible to do this before you enter into an agreement  or have

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