Grange Business Partners




Develop a Wealth Creation Approach that is Right for You

category: Accounting, Business

Recent research by ING Direct has found that people expect their superannuation to only account for the 35.8% of their retirement savings. This research also shows that Australians are looking at more options that they are familiar and comfortable with, including savings, property and inheritance money to make up the remaining bulk of their retirement

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The Growth and Growth of Family Business

category: Accounting, Business

More and more we are hearing about tough economic times. The Baby Boomers are nearing retirement, leading to a change in spending habits and an economic contraction. As a result many businesses will suffer. However, amongst the doom and gloom, there is a bright spot in the business world. The family business. Many are thriving.

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Self Managed Super Funds and Real Property

category: Accounting, Business, Super

One of the most common questions we get asked is whether a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) can purchase residential property. Often the answer to the question is dependant on your personal circumstances. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has recently released guidance material to assist in making this decision. The ATO have confirmed that the

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