Grange Business Partners




Accessing Your Super Early Can Be Costly

category: Accounting, Business

A recent case decision highlights the penalties that may be imposed for incorrectly accessing your super early. The decision made by the judge in the case of Deputy Commissioner of Taxation V Lyons resulted in Mr Lyons having to pay a monetary penalty of $32,500 and the commissioner costs of $5,000. The Fund also lost

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Increase in SMSF trustee disqualifications – Are you at risk?

category: Accounting, Business

Over the last couple of years there has been a huge increase in the number of Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF) trustees and directors of SMSF trustee companies that are being declared disqualified persons by the Australian Tax Office (ATO). Many do not realise the substantial adverse implications that are associated with dishonest conduct as they

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