Grange Business Partners

Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024

Issue Date –   31 July 2024


New Code obligations

For the purposes of Code item 17, the Minister may determine new Code obligations through a legislative instrument. Any new obligations will be related to your professional or ethical conduct as a registered tax or BAS agent. The obligations may elaborate or supplement any aspect of the Code.

A new Legislative Instrument was registered on 2 July 2024. Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 commences from 1 August 2024 and introduces 8 additional obligations under Code item 17.

These additional obligations relate to:

Honesty and integrity

1. Upholding and promoting the ethical standards of the tax profession;

2. False or misleading statements;


3. Conflicts of interest in dealings with government;


4. Maintaining confidentiality in dealings with government;


5. Keeping of proper client records;

6. Ensuring tax agent services provided on your behalf are provided competently;

Other responsibilities

7. Quality management systems; and

8. Keeping your clients informed of all relevant matters.



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