FBT: meal and entertainment for not‐for‐profit employees
A separate, single grossed‐up cap of $5,000 will be introduced for salary sacrificed meal entertainment and entertainment facility leasing expenses (meal entertainment benefits) for employees of not‐for‐profits. Meal entertainment benefits exceeding the separate grossed‐up cap of $5,000 can also be counted in calculating whether an employee exceeds their existing fringe benefits tax (FBT) exemption or rebate cap. All use of meal entertainment benefits will become reportable.
Currently, employees of public benevolent institutions and health promotion charities have a standard $30,000 FBT exemption cap (this will be $31,177 for the first year of the measure, due to the budget repair levy) and employees of public and not‐for‐profit hospitals and public ambulance services have a standard $17,000 FBT exemption cap (this will be $17,667 for the first year).
In addition to these FBT exemptions, these employees can salary sacrifice meal entertainment benefits with no FBT payable by the employer and without it being reported. Employees of rebatable not‐for‐profit organisations can also salary sacrifice meal entertainment benefits, but the employers only receive a partial FBT rebate, up to a standard $30,000 cap ($31,177 for the first year).
This measure will apply from 1 April 2016.